KPW1 代触控失灵后,用回 kobo,虽然最近升级了官方最新系统,翻页还是卡顿,本来打算双十一买国文的 A8 的,带休眠套只要 590,开放系统,300ppi,看起来是最划算的 300ppi 了。后来看到 kobo glo 还能刷第三方,就尝试试试吧,没准省点钱。
看了别人的对比,才知道除了有名的 KO 还有个plato,因为只用于 kobo,比较小众,系统 rust 开发且开源,更快更省电。对 rust 资源占用有好感,根据教程简单刷了,和官方升级的方式一样,全部解压到根目录重启就好了,再更新 2 个字体看看效果,苍耳今楷和源石黑體,复制到 fonts 目录下。启动后使用流畅,苍耳看小说效果不错,如图 1973 年的弹子球。
看文档还有简单的设置,创建或修改 adds/plato 目录下的Settings.toml
# 插上电脑USB自动启用共享
# Automatically enters shared mode when connected to a computer.
auto-share = true
# 自动待机,分钟,0代表从不待机
# The number of minutes of inactivity after which a device
# will automatically go to sleep. *Zero* means *never*.
auto-suspend = 9.0
# 自动关机,天,0代表从不关机
# The delay, in days, after which a suspended device
# will power off. *Zero* means *never*.
auto-power-off = 2.0
# 阅读设定
# 默认字体
# The default serif font.
font-family = "Libertinus Serif"
# 默认字体大小
# The default, minimum and maximum font sizes, in points.
font-size = 11.9
# 默认边距
# The default, minimum and maximum margin widths, in millimeters.
margin-width = 3
# 电池设定
# Warn about the battery level being low, when the level
# goes below `warn` percents.
warn = 10.0
# Shut the device down when the battery level goes below
# `power-off` percents.
power-off = 3.0
# 灯光默认设定
intensity = 0.0
warmth = 0.0